Sofie´s BnB

You will be told in message through Aibnb where the key is.
Beds will be made for you. Towels to be found in a closet in the bathroom.
Coffee and Tea can be found in the kitchen.

Wifi is both «normal» and 5G. Some devices works better using «normal» wifi, others works better on Wifi 5G. Feel free to use the one that works best for you.
SSID 5G : SofiesBnB_5G
SSID «normal» : SofiesBnB
Password is the same for both: julemolli
TV Casting
There is a TV in the living room. It is connected to a Google Chrome-cast. Cast to SofiesBnB. You will find this as an option in the app you normally cast from.
Outdoor living
Sun does not always shine in Norway. After all, this is not the Sahara. So, on the terrasse, we have put up a «party-tent» for you. It serves as a dry place to spend the evening outside, even if it is raining. Inspired by a french movie, there is a string of light-bulbs that will light up when evenings and nights get darker.
You will find pillows to put in the chairs we have placed outside, in the living room. Just look below the air-conditioner. Feel free to bring those outside, but please, keep them out of the rain as much as possible. When you leave, take them inside.
We have placed an electric grill on the table in the party-tent. We have the same kind ourselves. It is surpricingly good, and most important – it does not start a bush-fire. The house is close to the forest, climate-change makes long dry periods even here in west-coast Norway, so for long periods it is not allowed to make a fire or use charcoal grilles as we used to. The electric grill comes to the rescue, you can cook outside as much as you like. Just connect the cable to the wall of the house, and the grill on the other end, and you are all set.

This picture is of our own electric grill. Both the grill and the party-tent is the same in our house as in Sofies BnB.
The area is known for it´s surrounding nature, all year. In summer you will find nice places for swimming, both in the sea, the rivers, and lakes. In winter you will find ski-slopes for both cross-country skiing and some ski-lifts. All year you can enjoy Hikes and Walks almost everywhere. «Outdooractive» has made a nice shortlist, «The best walks and hikes in Samnanger», worth looking into.
Easy evening walk with the children after you arrive, can be a stroll to the old school here, Frøland Skule, where all the native adults here went to school as children. Now there is no more school, but Antons Kulturhistoriske Senter.

A bit longer walk is to follow the trail along the river down to Tysse Kai. You will find a local shop, Tysse Landhandel, a nice quay and more. You can dive from the quay, just be careful, the water is deep. And as always – look before you dive. This is also a fair enough place to fish normally, and a very good place when the mackerel has entered the fjord (july-august-september). About 5 minutes by car, 15 minutes by bicycle, 50 minutes walk by the river.

Go for a swim:
A few minutes walk from Sofie´s BnB you will find a «secret» but still popular place amongst our neighbours, to swim in the river. The place is called «Nipshølen». Just be a bit careful, it is rather «refreshing» – cold – and when snow is melting in the mountains or it has been heavy rain recently, water can be a bit strong. Please do not try to jump from the rocks, even if you see locals do it. The «skill» has been passed down through generations.
You will find Nipshølen in the map below.

There is a public «bathing beach», Teigavika, close to the supermarkets Spar and Kiwi and the gasolin station, at Bjørkheim. It´s less then ten minutes from Sofie´s BnB by car. Follow Fv7 towards Bergen. Turn left just after the gasolin station.

You will also find a Sauna by the sea at Bjørkheim. Bjørkheim Sauna.
Another place to swim can be found in Rolsvåg, not so very far away. Rolvsvåg Frluftsområde.
Day trips by car
Samnanger is between Bergen and Hardanger. Easy day trips by car is something we locals tend to fill the weekends with.
Places to go:
Hardanger, start in Nordheimsund. From there you can follow roads close to and overlooking Hardangerfjord. Local fruit is sold along the route.
Eikelandsosen, a nice place in the bottom of it´s own little fjord, here you can find a small shoppingcenter that also has a local Vinmonopol where it is possible to find and buy vine and such.
This is the countryside, so local fauna is very present. This is how it should be, although sometimes the the Mosquitoes and a local variant of «Horse fly» (in Norwegian «Klegg» or «Hestebrems» – meaning Horses Brake) can be a bit too «friendly». The horse fly is a true «stealth bomber», it does not make a sound. The last years we have noticed an increase in the number of Ticks. This is probably because the number of Deer have increased wildly. Ticks will normally not be present on lawns or around the house, but where the grass is high or there are bushes, ticks will be there. Bumble Bee and Wasps are almost not present anymore, if you see one or two or even more, it really should be celebrated. We let some of the grass and wild flowers grow freely in some areas to try to help the bumble bee «population». Normal House Fly and Spit Fly buzz about everywhere, they are very clever in finding windows to try to get through with absolutely no success. Best way to deal with them is to catch them with a cup and a paper and let them out, they have a role to play too.
Toads/frogs, Bats, Birds, Salamander, «Snok», «Hoggorm».
Toads are plentyful. Some periods of the year they jump about everywhere. We try not to run over them on the road up to the houses, they do no harm and just live here. They all come from the pond over the small hill behind Sofie´s BnB. All children growing up here have had their period of catching tadpoles in the pond and keep them in a bowl of water collected from the pond, to see the tadpoles gradually turn into toads. Toads here are of course not dangerous. There will be toads in the garden surrounding Sofie´s BnB. Just let them be, have a look, they are funny little fellows.
Bats come out every night. Not soo many now as before, but they are here. You can hear their sonar-sound when you are part of the picture they see, quite fascinating. They are of course not dangerous. It can be great fun to put a white blanket on the lawn at night. Then insects will gather over the blanket, and, if you are lucky, the bats will fly just over the white blanket to catch the insects. This way you can see the bats clearly and snap a photo or two.
Birds are plentyful. Too many to mention them all. But the family of Magpies that live in the tall tree close to the small, old house you pass on the way up to Sofie´BnB, are special «inhabitants». They have a huge nest up there in the top of the tree. They have lived there for tens of years. This year (2023) they managed to breed five little magpies. It was a sight to see those five little ones learning to fly, from the big tree to the others near the house and back again. The first day we were afraid they would all fall down. Molli the dog was hoping they would. But the next day they were all professional pilots. Now they fly around here and shout at each other and Molli the Dog, while Mother Magpie train them in all the annoying tricks they can play on us humans. Among the tricks are tearing to shreds carpets and other material we sometimes hang outside, sabotage flowers and decorations. On the teracce at Sofie´s BnB you can see a whole part of the railing has been changed recently. Mother Magpie simply tore the old railing to shreds, she made a rather big hole in it.
Eagles and Ravens sometimes glide by, high up in the sky.
Last year (2022) a large, black bird was sitting on our teracce. It was a young raven that had crashed on his first flight. We managed to catch him very gently, gave him som of Molli the Dogs food (he loved it, Molli did not ), and brought him to a couple that knows how to rescue birds. They brought him to a vet, and after three weeks in recovery at the bird rescue facility, the young raven was named «Rolf» by our children, and set free at the end of the road up there at Sofie´s BnB. He flew happily to the first tree, and flew around our houses for many weeks. When he saw us he would dive down and expect to get some of Molli´s food. And he did. He would eat from a bowl we placed on the lawn, and if we put the bowl on the table on our terrasse, we could sit around the table and watch him eat. Probably we could have tamed Rolf Ravn (Ravn is Norwegian for Raven) completely, but we wanted him to be free. Ravens are the most intelligent creature after humans, they even outsmart chimps, our closest relative. One day we saw Rolf in a tree together with another Raven. The two of them flew longer and longer trips together, and then for long periods we did not see them. But now and again we see a raven or two in the trees behind the other two houses you can see from Sofie´s BnB, we like to think it is Rolf and friend who is visiting.
Ravens have a special place in Norwegian mythology. The chief viking god, Odin, had two ravens sitting on his shoulders. Those two, «Hugin» and «Munin», would fly all over the world and report back to Odin what was going on, what he needed to attend to.
Crows and Seaguls come by too. You can hear when the crows come, because the magpies get furious. A special kind of crows can be seen too, forest-crow we think the are called. They are darker, mostly black and very slender. They can be mistaken for ravens, but they are smaller, but bigger than normal crows, and the raven is a much better «pilot» that hardly moves it´s wings unless it is doing some spontanious acrobatics.
Salamander can be found close to the pond. But they are rare and best let in peace.
«Snok» is Norwegian for Grass Snake. They are totally harmless and a bit rare. Usually they have a yellow spot on the sides of their head, or almost white spot.
«Hoggorm» is Norwegian for Viper.
The Norwegian Viper – «Hoggorm» – is not so very dangerous. They have poison, but normally not dangerous to humans unless allergy is involved. And it costs them a lot to make the poison, so the adult vipers have learned to do «dry bites» to save the poison. We have never heard of any humans or dogs that have been bitten here, ever. They are very rare, but through the years we have seen one or two up by the pond over the hill behind Sofie´s BnB. They are shy and not very poisenous, but still you have to see a doctor if someone is bitten. Dogs must be brought to a vet.
Please put used towels in the basket in the bathroom, or on the bathroom floor if basket is full.
Please take sheats of the beds you have used and lay them on the floor next to the bed. This helps us a lot in prepearing for the next guests.
Put knives, forks, plates etc in the dishwasher. No need to turn it on, but please do if you feel comfortable in doing so (that is – if you understand the cryptic info on dishwasher).
Leave the key in the same place you found it.